Scott McKelvey Copywriting & Marketing

Tear Up the Death Certificates: These 4 Marketing Platforms Are Alive

Tear Up The Death Certificates: These 4 Marketing Platforms Are Alive I’m not a fan of articles that claim something is dead. Quite frankly, that’s never the case. Headlines that channel the grim reaper are usually lame, overly dramatic gimmicks designed to get more clicks.

Readers who fall for these headlines learn that something isn’t actually dead. Instead, the author is just predicting the death of something, wishing death upon something that he or she doesn’t like or agree with, or saying that something “as we know it” is dead.

These claims of death always end up being false or at least misleading, thanks to authors who try to position themselves as visionaries by making shortsighted assumptions and predictions based more on opinion and hope than reality.

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