Scott McKelvey Copywriting & Marketing

Content that connects

I partner with…

Marketing service providers: Agencies, website developers, designers, video production companies, printers, social media managers, public relations firms

Business owners and marketing directors:

From small and midsized businesses to global brands

Nonprofits: From local independents to major foundations

It’s not about the size of the organization. It’s about the commitment to identifying, developing, and delivering the right message to the right audience.

A view from afar

Businesses often struggle because they're unable to objectively evaluate their own operations and marketing.

One of the greatest values I bring to the table is an outside, unbiased perspective. While I'm a huge believer in history and heritage, I'm not attached to "the way we've always done it," especially if that way doesn't serve you today.

Are you making decisions based on outdated assumptions instead of today's information? Are you trying to please everyone instead of focusing your ideal client? Have you worked with consultants who "yes" you to death?

I'll tell you the truth, even if it hurts. I won't suggest change for the sake of making changes, but I'm not afraid to recommend a fresh approach based on sound marketing fundamentals and your current situation.

Writing and then some

Although written content is the deliverable, my services go far beyond writing. My heavy lifting is done before any writing happens.

Interviews. Deep dives. Research. Strategic planning. Message development. This heavy lifting is built into all my services, along with the actual writing.

My copywriting services include but are not limited to:

Website Content

Blog Writing

Thought Leadership

LinkedIn Posts/Articles

SEO Content Writing

Brochure Copy

Email Marketing

Success Stories

Case Studies

Press Releases

Video/Audio Scripts

Newsletter Articles

Feature Articles

White Papers

Social Media Content

Professional Profiles/Bios

Vacation Rental Websites and Marketing

Put words to work.

The right marketing content can shorten the time to a sale by educating prospects, overcoming objections, and positioning you as an expert in your field.

You know, all the stuff you would otherwise have to do in person or on a call.

Let's find the right words and put them to work.

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