Scott McKelvey Copywriting & Marketing

6 Excuses for Not Blogging and Why None of Them Hold Water

My daughter, Caitlin, is quickly earning a reputation as the queen of excuses. She once refused to wear jeans because she said they make her tired.

When I ask business owners why they don’t have a company blog, the excuses I hear are just as lame.

But here’s the difference between you and my daughter.

You’re an adult running a business. Caitlin is a four-year-old playing with princesses.

With that in mind, I hope you don’t think any of these excuses are legitimate reasons for not blogging.

Because they’re not.

1) I don’t have time.

How is that possible when every other business owner on the face of the earth has too much time on their hands?

Personally, I wish there were fewer hours in the day so I wouldn’t be so damn bored all the time.

Cry me a river already.

If you don’t have time to manage the company blog yourself, delegate.

If you don’t have the in-house resources to manage the company blog, outsource.

If you don’t think a blog is worth delegating or outsourcing, keep reading.

2) We don’t have anyone on staff who can write.

Here at the palatial Scott McKelvey Copywriting & Marketing executive suites, I don’t have anyone on my staff of one who knows how to build or design websites.

Yet I have a website. And it’s not half bad.

How is this possible? I hired someone.

And you should hire someone to perform a task that you’re not capable of performing in-house if that task is worth the investment.

If you don’t think blogging is worth the investment, keep reading.

3) I don’t see the business value of blogging.

If you equate business value with instant gratification, you’ll probably be disappointed. Blogs aren’t coupons.

If you still view blogs as the obnoxious ranting platforms that they were 15 years ago, it’s time to open your eyes to the new reality.

If you believe you can increase revenue by building relationships, earning trust, establishing expertise and credibility, and maintaining top-of-mind awareness, you should be able to see the business value of blogging.

If you believe you can shorten the sales process by educating customers and overcoming their objections, you should be able to see the business value of blogging.

I share stories every day about how my blog has helped me land clients. The McBlog is the main reason why I can pay my bills.

But there’s plenty of evidence out there besides my personal anecdotes. Check out the data that makes a bulletproof case for the business value of blogging.

Oh yeah, there’s that little thing called Google, too.

Google loves websites that consistently add fresh, relevant content. Google even rewards those websites with better search rankings. The easiest way to add fresh, relevant content is with a blog.

Think that’s valuable?

4) Blogging is too expensive.

See my previous point. You can’t afford not to blog.

Blogging, like any form of marketing, is an investment, not an expense.

Each blog post lives forever on the internet, where it can be found on search engines and produce business leads for years.

By the way, my first blogging gig was writing about the Phillies for a local Fox Sports Radio affiliate. The blog hasn’t been updated since the station went off the air six years ago – just before the Phillies won the World Series, dammit – but the blog is still there.

Blog content can and should be repurposed into brochures, sales presentations, social media posts, podcasts and even advertising.

Look at the value of consistently sharing and repurposing great blog posts. Whether you keep it in-house or outsource, the time and money you invest is well worth it.

5) I don’t know what to write about.

This is a common challenge for business owners who are blogging for the first time. But it’s not a valid excuse.

Every question asked by a customer or prospect can be converted into a blog post, a part of a blog post, or a series of blog posts, depending on the complexity of the question.

News stories related to your business, product or industry could inspire a blog post.

Basic 101-level information about the type of product you offer and, more importantly, how your target audience can benefit from using that product can be transformed into a blog post.

Every customer testimonial could provide the foundation for a blog post. Think of it as an informal case study.

Is that enough to get you started?

6) I hate to write.

Then don’t. But some things in life need to be done whether you like to do them yourself or not.

A good writer can capture your unique voice and personality in a blog. Hire someone who can take your knowledge and passion and communicate it in a way that resonates with your audience.

No more excuses. Seriously.

Every business and organization should have a blog. Period.

You don’t have to update it every day. You don’t even have to update it every week.

But you definitely need one.

Do you really want Google to start ignoring your website? Do you really want your customers relying on your competition as their primary resource for helpful information? Are you prepared to lose sales to your competition as a result?

The consequences of not blogging are far more costly than the time and effort you put into developing and executing a blogging strategy.

And the rewards are far more valuable.

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